For the lovers of individual houses and aesthetics in general mayflower enterprises have got a Mayflower Marvel surprise treat and an announcement combining both the elements with a touch of luxury in the name of their new project marvel mayflower These bhk individual homes in veerakeralam are built with precision in terms of making every living area, the living room and the 3 bedrooms as spacious as possible The sheer and abundant feel of spaciousness combined with the aesthetics of the house will let one acclimate into their own zone and reach levels of comfort and tranquillity that people experience in posh hotel stays. Adding to this awesomeness these homes come furnished in all important with genuine wood that is further polished to give it a luxurious gleam and ceiling and wall colours that match the look just so perfectly. With schools and colleges available in the distance of a brief bike ride and a never-ending development of new eateries emerging everyday there’ll be no shortage for fun here making this project just the catch for the ones who were fishing for a beautiful home in coimbatore.